A Gift

Talking with a friend the other day and she wanted to know where I get my writing prompts for my inspirational or encouraging post. Do I search for ideas online? Do I take a poll of what readers want to read? Do I just use generic prompts? Word jars? A memory that I want to share? Am I constantly daydreaming what I will write next? (That last one is 100% accurate.) 😂

Sure, I do some of those things but if I’m being sincerely honest I don’t do anything other then watch for the good in my life and remember who made it possible. I KNOW that I KNOW that He is the reason for every good part of my life and He is working in every difficult moment. I have no doubt. Oddly enough, I often wake in the early morning with a thought or understanding from God and I go with it. I pull out my phone and I start typing it all in. I look up relatable scripture and I dig in. Everything He says I write it down. My writing comes straight from what God is doing in my everyday life and what He is teaching me. It comes from my joy filled days and my pain filled days because He is in every moment of everyday. All that I am, all that I do, all that I have and all that I write comes from Him. I’ve been told my writing is a gift. This is true. It’s a gift sent from Him.

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” James 1-17 NLT

Author: helenarayos2014

Howdy! I am passionate about sharing simple God lessons through everyday real life events in my daily life. I’ve been writing since I was 11. What started off as a way to escape or cope with the uncertainty of life, has turned into a calling. I do believe that God has called me to share what He has placed on my heart with all of you! I recently published a children’s book The Chicks Save Easter. You can find it on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Chicks-Save-Easter-Helena-Rayos/dp/B086Y6K19M I pray God finds you where you are and you allow Him to take you where He has called you to love and serve Him.

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