Here’s to turning three!


Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Ellie, you are our sunshine and today you turn three! Where has the time gone? We have enjoyed every second of every moment we have had with you. We are excited every chance we get to celebrate you. We love hearing you shout “my friends” when random kids walk into Chick Fil a. You love playing with everyone and you love others so well. We love that your love language is physical touch. You always want to be close; holding our hands, sitting on our lap, laying on our chest and snuggling real close. I’m in love with the way you still wrap your tiny arms around my neck as you fall to sleep each night.

We pray you always know how close Jesus wants to be to you. He loves you so much more than we ever could and sometimes that feels impossible, but it’s true. You are so special to Jesus! You make every morning bright with your loud wake up call letting us know the light is shining on the sun. Hearing you laugh makes our heart burst. Watching you worship beside daddy fills me with hope and joy. You always remind me that we need to read your Bible at bedtime. I love hearing you talk about Jesus and how much compassion you have when a friend is crying. It’s so cute to see you stick your finger in the air telling us you have an “IDEA!” We love that you are finding your voice and expressing your feelings. I pray you always know you have a voice and we will always hear you! Jesus will ALWAYS hear you! We are so unbelievably proud of you. When Jesus led our family to Washington Illinois you handled it with so much joy and maturity. I’ve cried way more then you on this journey. While I have fallen in love with our new home you fell in love so much more quickly and that has helped me ease in to so much change. We can’t say it enough! We are so proud of you. You will always be our miracle from God. The moment we found out about you we were reminded that nothing is impossible with God. What man said was impossible God proved faithful. Happy birthday to our unicorn 🦄 loving, frozen singing, PJ Mask fighting, Ryan imitating, christian rap shouting, Jesus worshipping little girl. You are the bestest little girlfriend a mommy could ask for. We adore you. We always will. We are so thankful Jesus blessed us with you. You are our sunshine ☀️! Happy 3rd Birthday! 🎂

Author: helenarayos2014

Howdy! I am passionate about sharing simple God lessons through everyday real life events in my daily life. I’ve been writing since I was 11. What started off as a way to escape or cope with the uncertainty of life, has turned into a calling. I do believe that God has called me to share what He has placed on my heart with all of you! I recently published a children’s book The Chicks Save Easter. You can find it on amazon. I pray God finds you where you are and you allow Him to take you where He has called you to love and serve Him.

8 thoughts on “Here’s to turning three!”

  1. Thank you for your beautiful words. Each time I read your blog my heart is so very blessed. May God bless you and your little family! Love you all!
    Aunt Connie Vandergrift


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