Three ways we used leftover party supplies after Ellie’s magical birthday party!

Ellie had a truly magical birthday party with a huge unicorn balloon,

rainbow cupcakes,

a gigantic play area,

karaoke station

and friends…

lots of friends.

Its funny! When we moved here one of my biggest concerns was who we would invite to Ellie’s birthday party. Would she even have any friends? It was definitely a silly worry that kept me awake at night. Im thankful I can say I worried for nothing. We are most of the time always worried for nothing! Ellie had 12 friends show up and together they helped make Ellies birthday memorable. One of my favorite moments was watching Ellie rock out with her friends in their band.

While cleaning up I cringed at the thought of throwing away perfectly good party supplies still in good condition.

I didn’t know of a place to donate the supplies to (feel free to comment on a place you might know) and I honestly can’t imagine another unicorn party in the future. I packed the supplies up and discovered some fun and creative ways to reuse the supplies. Follow along with me to see all the fun we got into.

We set up a paint shop!

The table cloths were still in such good shape. I decided to tape the tablecloth to the wall as well as put a 2nd one on the floor. We pulled out some extra paint and a white thick poster.

Ellie had fun painting until her heart was content. It was fun to see her creativeness come to life and I really liked that we were able to get another use out of the tale cloths.

You could also use the table cloths as a backdrop for a photobooth to get fun pictures in front of. What are some creative ways that you have used plastic table cloths?

We made hair bows!

After the party we had tons of unicorn ring toppers laying around. I guess you can say the kids were more excited about eating the cupcake thean wearing the ring. I cleaned the rings and used pliers to pull of the rings leaving only the rainbow. I already had some yellow ribbon and clips on hand so with a little hot glue I was able to put together some hair clips. Ellie loved wearing her new clips and so did a few girls in my after school program.

We made a birthday party memory frame!

This was one of my favorite ways we were able to reuse the party supplies. I’m a very sentimental person. I wanted to find a way to have a keepsake of her 3rd birthday party. I went out and bought a wood frame. I cut up the tissue paper from Ellie’s presents and had her glue them to the edges of the frame. We also hot glued a unicorn party favor and rainbow topper to the frame. Now we just have to choose the perfect picture to place inside.

Ellie started asking about her birthday party in December. She cried when we told her that December was not her birthday! This makes total sense considering that I was placed on bed rest December 23rd because Of preterm labor. I guess she’ll always want to celebrate early. This year was my favorite birthday celebrations by far. It was the first one where Ellie understood that we were celebrating her and that made it extra special. It was extra special because she was able to pick her theme, cupcakes and party favors. Ellie had so much day in this party and I loved watching her get excited as the party grew closer! I’m excited for next year and to see all the unique things we will be able to do it’s her left over party supplies.

Author: helenarayos2014

Howdy! I am passionate about sharing simple God lessons through everyday real life events in my daily life. I’ve been writing since I was 11. What started off as a way to escape or cope with the uncertainty of life, has turned into a calling. I do believe that God has called me to share what He has placed on my heart with all of you! I recently published a children’s book The Chicks Save Easter. You can find it on amazon. I pray God finds you where you are and you allow Him to take you where He has called you to love and serve Him.

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